1. The presence of security guards deters crime.

Using a security guard demonstrates that you value the safety of your company and its assets. According to statistics, having a physical guard on-site deters crime. This is why so many businesses, such as banks, retail stores, and medical dispensaries, hire security guards as a preventative measure. Security systems and Security Service provider in Vancouver, even with remote video surveillance, only record occurrences as they occur, unlike an on-site security person who can respond immediately.

Your company may require access control or scanning in some instances. Your guard assists in the identification of authorised visitors and personnel, as well as the prevention of harmful goods from accessing your premises.

2. Security Guards Can Patrol Your Property Actively

While security systems can notify you if doors are ajar or if a camera isn't working, they can't lock doors to keep intruders out or do simple camera repairs. In some cases, you'll need an employee to return to the premises to do the necessary repairs. Is it fun to get up at 3 a.m. to respond to an open door alarm? Most likely not.

Unlike stationary cameras, a guard can patrol your entire property at regular or random times, protecting you from damage. Guards can ensure that doors and exits work properly, as well as that other monitoring equipment, such as fire alarms, is operational.

3. Security guards are observers of people.

A security guard possesses a set of interpersonal abilities that security systems lack.

Guards are trained to recognise suspicious conduct that could indicate a crime is about to occur by learning how people habitually move and communicate. An experienced guard can also utilise de-escalation strategies to bring a situation down to a more manageable level and prevent it from getting worse.

4. Security Guards Assist in a Helpful Manner

While a security system monitoring service can summon emergency medical personnel if necessary, they are unable to give immediate treatment. A security guard, on the other hand, is generally trained in CPR and first aid so that they may help in the event of a medical emergency. Getting help swiftly and effectively can have a positive impact on the outcomes for you, your employees, or your customers.

In the event of a fire or other emergency, qualified security guards can aid first responders by getting people to safety, establishing limits, and establishing boundaries. When Mother Nature throws a curveball, guards help secure your property and respond to events in ways that cameras can't.

For more information visit Cornerstone Security & Transport, Event security provider in Vancouver


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