Is it legal for an armed security officer to detain you?

We all have the same understanding about armed security agents and police officers: they have the authority to arrest anyone who is suspected of doing something questionable.

This misunderstanding develops from viewing movies in which security personnel are depicted pushing people out of buildings and detaining them. Is the situation, however, the same in reality?

Are armed security guards able to detain you?

In reality, the situation is rather different. The armed security officer and  Event security Company In Toronto has the authority to arrest you depending on their rank. Armed officers are divided into three categories:

Private Security Personnel

This is the lowest of all the rankings. Armed security guards employed by private companies have the same rights as any other citizen. The primary responsibility of these guards is to protect the property for which they have been recruited, to prevent theft, and to keep the atmosphere safe.

Any civilian cannot be arrested by a private armed security personnel. He does, however, have the authority to employ force. For example, the bank's private guards can eject anyone who has been reported, but they cannot arrest them even if the bank has issued an order.

Other Rights and Responsibilities of an Armed Security Officer

As previously stated, even when necessary, private armed security guards are unable to arrest citizens. He does, however, retain some rights, which are as follows:

1) Weapons Use

Armed security officers have the right to carry and use weapons, as the term implies. The department usually grants them a firearm for two reasons:


For an armed cop, the primary reason for carrying a pistol is to protect his surrounds. They can't stand still with just a baton, unlike unarmed security guards. To protect the environment, they must act quickly and effectively.

Self-Defense: The armed security officer's weapon's second purpose is to protect oneself. The assailants can, of course, attack them to knock them out. The fact that they have a firearm protects them against such unexpected attacks.

2) Private Property Jurisdiction

Let's say you hire an armed security guard to patrol your premises. What do you think you may expect from him? Of course, must keep an eye on the premises, keep spectators at bay, and avoid attacks. That is precisely what the cop does.

An armed security guard is only responsible for the property for which he was recruited. However, he can use the weapon to deter individuals from trespassing on the property, and in the event of a property attack, the armed officer can report the person to the police department for arrest.

3) Conduct a search

There is one thing that has to be clarified before we discuss this particular power. In certain areas, looking for someone is strictly prohibited since it compromises their privacy. As a result, official police personnel can only search someone if there is some kind of suspicious behaviour.

Depending on the norms of the state, an armed security guard may or may not search a person. If the state permits the armed guard to search a person, he is free to do so. If he doesn't have this power, he won't be able to use it.

For more information Cornerstone Security & Transport, Vancouver security companies


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