There are numerous things that go overlooked when it comes to parking management and security. Have you ever considered the amount of work and operational requirements that go into managing these kinds of facilities, for example? They frequently come with significant problems that necessitate a well-thought-out strategy for turning them into successful and viable businesses. The truth is that the parking sector has developed to include some of the world's most dynamic and cutting-edge technologies, with business intelligence at its foundation.

Are you looking for a better way to manage your parking lots? We've compiled a list of resources and  Event security provider in Vancouver for best practises to assist you in maximising the potential of your parking business:


Using Enforcement Officers to patrol your parking lots is a common way to improve the safety of those who use your facilities. A major deterrent to crime is an authoritative presence. In parking facilities, adding on-site or mobile security patrols can dramatically improve security. Paladin Security, as the industry's premier training organisation, is dedicated to delivering training to our Security Officers and assisting them with ongoing education so that they have the greatest tools and expertise to excel in their professions.


There are a number of benefits to making proper use of parking lot lighting. One of the most significant considerations is pedestrian safety, but it can also incorporate design innovations, professional prestige, and the attractiveness of a business.

Your facility should have bright lighting for driving and pedestrian areas, but shadows should be kept to a minimum elsewhere. Stairwells, elevators, refuge zones, and the outdoor portions of parking garages are all high-risk places that require adequate lighting.


There is less crime where there is more visibility. Installing a CCTV system, in addition to other security measures such as access control, landscaping, and proper lighting, makes it easy to monitor activities in your parking lots. This is one of the technologies that might help your Security Officers respond to possible attacks much faster. It also aids in gaining a broader perspective of your facilities and obtaining relevant comments.

Installing Voice-Activated Security Sound systems is one approach to improve CCTV systems. Loud/distinctive noises activate all CCTV cameras in the area, instantly focusing on the activity at hand


A well-kept parking lot improves your business's functioning, attractiveness, safety, and branding. Property managers and owners sometimes place a greater emphasis on basic building care, but there's a lot that goes into keeping parking lots in good shape. After all, it's a part of your home's exterior.

Here are some of the important maintenance tasks that must be completed in order to keep a parking lot in good shape:

Striping - They highlight accessible parking places, provide directions for regulated traffic flow, and clearly identify parking locations. Professional line-striping contractors are often hired for this type of work.

Asphalt or concrete are the most frequent alternatives for parking lot surfaces, with each material having its own set of advantages and disadvantages. A well-maintained parking lot should endure between 20 and 30 years.

Sealcoating - Whether it's asphalt or concrete, applying a sealer (seal coating) to the surface helps maintain the pavement's resilience and reduces the consequences of continuous freeze-thaw cycles.

Addressing drainage issues - When rainwater does not drain quickly from your parking lot, it can lead to a number of issues, including shortened paving lifespan, increased risk of trips and falls, breeding unsanitary conditions (especially in underground parking lots), and damage to vehicles and surrounding infrastructure. 

For more information visit Cornerstone Security & Transport, Security Service provider in Vancouver


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