Security goes beyond keeping your property safe

Security is as much about helping people as it is protecting their property and personal safety. However, customer service is not a common or popular idea in security. This is why many entry-level guards need to be trained and counselled.

Cornerstone Security & Transport's customer service philosophy is based upon three R's: Relationship Building, Responsiveness and Reliability.

Because we are available to help you, the client, we are reliable. We are able to:

* Keep our promises

* Learn what we are doing

* To provide guidance and education

* Communicate well

* Avoid errors

* Make sure to dress and groom properly

* Please be present

* Respect

We value customer responsiveness. We:

* Offer to help;

* Listen and ask the right questions

* If necessary, inform the consumer.

Building relationships: Our goal is to create partnerships through being reliable and responsive. We are:

* Have a service mentality and expect a happy attitude.

* Greet immediately;

* Personalize your encounters as much and as often as you can.

These principles apply to the interaction of our Security Vancouver guards with clients and other consumers. Our management teams adhere to the same service standards.

Cornerstone security & Transport is one of Vancouver's best VIP Protection companies. Their ultimate goal: to bring peace and stability into the lives of people. But! We hope our clients and customers give us positive feedback. We can't do the job with only comprehensive offerings, but outstanding customer service is what will allow us to thrive.

This is our promise to you.


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