Security Guards' Role During a Fire

Security guards on duty at a fire station have a variety of obligations and roles to accomplish. Security guard businesses educate security guards on how to protect property and people from natural and man-made disasters. Fire watch security guards are sometimes the first responders on the scene of a fire.

The following are some of the most critical tasks that Security Service provider in Vancouver guards perform in fire prevention and control.


One of the most crucial responsibilities of security guards is to prevent fires. Guards monitor and maintain their posts, keeping an eye out for any fire threats. They carefully consider storing combustible or flammable things adjacent to heat sources, unexpected sparks, and fire from electrical equipment. They should also visually inspect the fire extinguishers to ensure that they are not damaged and that their expiration dates have not gone.

Getting in Touch with the Fire Department

If the fire alarm goes off, or if there is smoke or other signs of a fire, the security personnel must confirm that a fire has occurred. If the security guard notices a fire outbreak, he should activate the alarm if it is not already sounding. He should then contact the fire department. He should phone the supervisor as well as the fire department to tell them of the situation. While waiting for emergency assistance, he should secure his personal safety by collaborating with other security officers.

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Assisting with Evacuation

When a fire breaks out in a crowded area, such as a shopping mall or a business Centre, security guards must follow the employer's emergency procedure. One of the most important components of the procedure is directing individuals to the nearest emergency exit. Before any fire-related accidents occur, the security officer must ensure that the exit or corridors are not blocked by anything, as they are the only way out of the premises for the audience in the event of an emergency.

Additional Functions

If there is a fire at the workplace, security guards may be exposed to hazardous chemicals and materials, depending on the jobsite. As a result, if the workplace contains potentially hazardous chemicals, a security guard should be informed ahead of time. This will assist him in keeping himself and others safe.

The finest security guard practice is to have a plan in place in case of a fire.


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