How Private Security Guards Dealing With Angry People?

People who have difficulties with internal security may encounter this person who lives in a party or event or the wrath of those who have been waiting for a long time. A basic understanding of psychology can be an important part of your job. There are several ways to deal with difficult people in general, and they are all with difficult people in general.

When the angry person is on the receiving end, the aura of the moon does not even appear, when the angry person is on the receiving end, it can be dealt with. ? Express the original state of your feelings. .

Assimilation: Make your answer the same as the reaction. That is, in all cases, cases of saying something like "This is all the information that accompanies it." Let them know that their feelings are important and that their complaint will not go unnoticed. Make sure that you do not appear condescending when expressing your understanding; If you feel underrated, it's about your reputation.

Lack of reaction: the most important thing is to respond to a person's aggression more aggressively. ? You should try to download. Love is what the angry says in the heat of the moment that doesn't mean much. It is also appropriate and useful to make mistakes if the situation calls for it; Security officers to correct mistakes that commit to achievements in efforts. A good example of this is the person who said "I've been in line for hours"; His response to the Guardian was: "It looks like it was a real 35 minutes, but it was hours."

I agree: It can also be helpful to try to agree with the angry person about something, even if it is. By doing so, you are temporarily implementing the temporary decision-making authority that this person is responsible for that person's temporary fate. To say something like, "Well, I don't have any personal experience with the staff here, but you're not the first person to express dissatisfaction." It's a good way to stay neutral and control a person's anger.

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